Sovereign DPC - Services
Overall Review of Services Offered:
Annual Wellness Visit / Executive Physical
Discussion and Counseling regarding Preventive Care
Cancer Screening Counseling
Medical Records Review and Evaluation
Chronic Condition Management - Prescription and Surveillance
Acute Care - Urgent Care - Evaluation and Treatment
Minor - Primary-Care Level - Office Based Procedures
Diagnostic Work-Ups
Ordering Labs, Imaging, Diagnostic Testing
Appropriate Referral for Specialty Care
Diet Counseling
Exercise Counseling
Collaborative Care to Discover Root Problems
In-Person Visits (Office Based)
Video Visits
Unlimited Texts
Unlimited Emails
Research Medical Questions and Concerns with Written Response
Emotional Support​​
Medical Weight Loss - Prescription and Management
Sample of Conditions We Evaluate, Treat, and Help Care For:
This is just a sample of what we do and help care for. Our physician, Dr. Youga, has 24+ years of experience with a variety of conditions in a variety of settings (outpatient, inpatient, ER, urgent care, nursing home, house calls). Referral to specialty care will be done on a collaborative basis, being mindful of medical appropriateness and available resources.
Metabolic and Systemic
High Blood Pressure
Lipid ("cholesterol") Disorders and Imbalances
Overweight / Obesity
Dementia / Memory Loss
Strength and Movement Disorder Symptoms
Numbness/Sensory Symptoms
Peripheral Neuropathy
Mental Health
Anxiety (not currently offering controlled Rx treatment)
ADHD (not currently offering controlled Rx treatment)
Eyes/Vision (with appropriate referrals when needed)
Pink Eye / Red Eye
Conjunctivitis (Allergic / Bacterial / Viral)
Vision Changes
Ears/Hearing/Balance (with appropriate referrals when needed)
Vertigo/Balance Loss
Hearing Changes
Otitis Externa
Otitis Media (middle ear infection)
Nose and Throat
Acute Upper Respiratory Infection
Sinus Infection
Throat Infection
Cardiovascular (Heart and Blood Vessels)
Assist in care for coronary heart disease and congestive heart failure
Assist in care for cardiac arrhythmias
Evaluation, diagnostic workup, and referral for potential cardiac issues
Carotid atherosclerosis detection, workup, and referral
Peripheral arterial disease detection, workup, and referral
Respiratory Infections
Evaluation and work-up of breathing problems and other respiratory disease
Gastrointestinal (Digestive Care)
GERD / Acid Reflux
Gastritis / Gastroenteritis
Stomach Ulcers
Colon Issues
Musculoskeletal Care
Evaluation and treatment of new mild/moderate injuries
Musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction
Collaborate with orthopedics, physiatry, neurosurgery, and pain specialty
Evaluation and Treatment of Rashes/Growths
Minor skin biopsies
Hypothyroidism and Thyroid Disorders
Parathyroid, Adrenal, and other glandular disorder workups
Diabetes (as mentioned above)
Breast Care
Assist in diagnostic evaluation and workup of breast lumps
Breast Cancer Screening Counseling and Coordination
Female / Genito-Urinary Care
Evaluation and treatment of Urinary Tract Infections/Vaginitis
Basic gynecologic evaluations in conjunction with GYN referral
Urinary Stone evaluation and care
Hormone Therapy
Male Pelvic / Genito-Urinary Care
Erectile Dysfunction
Urinary Tract Infections
Urinary Stone evaluation and care
Prostate conditions​​​​​​​
Hormone Therapy