Sovereign DPC - Medicare Services
Primary Care for Medicare Members

Now Accepting New Medicare Patients - Just Call Us!
Currently, Dr. Youga is accepting Medicare patients into Sovereign Direct Primary Care. We would love to see if we can help you and meet your health care needs. Dr. Youga has 24+ years of experience taking care of Medicare patients, rendering outpatient, hospital, emergency room, and nursing home care for seniors. Right now, due to the structure of his relationship with Medicare, there is no subscription fee to be a Medicare patient in our practice. However, we will bill your Medicare Part B in the standard fashion as you would typically have at any other primary care physician's office. This does mean that standard Medicare co-pay and deductible rules do apply. To clarify, we fully participant with "straight" Medicare (Part B - Physician services) and will bill them in a standard fashion. We do not participate with any Medicare Advantage plan. We also do not participate with Medicaid. Therefore, we cannot enroll Medicare Advantage patients nor Medicare patients with Medicaid as a secondary insurance.
Questions? Just Call Us! 614-300-5450